3 Tips for Muscle Gain | NEW Tips for Muscle Growth
3 surprising NEW Tips for Muscle Gain from the World Hypertrophy Science Conference - I haven't seen these tips for muscle growth anywhere else - don't be the LAST to use them!
✅ BETTER Muscle Growth? Check out the Fast Fat Loss Workout Tip
🔴 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more free Tips for Muscle Gain! https://goo.gl/TQ4Fg8
From the World Congress on Muscle Hypertrophy, which brings together the World's experts on muscle gain, atrophy, and muscle growth - these tips are delivered in an easy to APPLY format (otherwise, what's the point?).
We'll cover eccentric training and eccentric hypertrophy, diet and protein supplements for muscle gain (including protein, BCAAs, casein, etc.), as well as periodization for muscle growth. Sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy are also discussed, albeit briefly.
Referenced YouTube Videos
How To Use BCAA Supplements: 3 Tips You NEED https://goo.gl/GtQfDh
How To Take Casein Protein: 3 Tips You NEED https://goo.gl/2WsU17
3 KEY Tips for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain https://goo.gl/71Kkc2
Eccentric Training for Muscle Gain, Athletes, and Strength Coaches: This Changes EVERYTHING https://goo.gl/pBdP1m
Fast Eccentric Training for Muscle Gain Strength Speed Power Hypertrophy | Advanced Lecture for Strength Coaches https://goo.gl/kWpUdT
Selected References
Franchi MV, Reeves ND, Narici MV. Skeletal Muscle Remodeling in Response to Eccentric vs. Concentric Loading: Morphological, Molecular, and Metabolic Adaptations. Front Physiol. 2017 Jul 4;8:447.
Cunanan AJ, DeWeese BH, Wagle JP, Carroll KM, Sausaman R, Hornsby WG 3rd, Haff GG, Triplett NT, Pierce KC, Stone MH. The General Adaptation Syndrome: A Foundation for the Concept of Periodization. Sports Med. 2018 Apr;48(4):787-797.
Morton RW, Murphy KT, McKellar SR, Schoenfeld BJ, Henselmans M, Helms E, Aragon AA, Devries MC, Banfield L, Krieger JW, Phillips SM. A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Mar;52(6):376-384.
Conference: ACSM 65th Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and World Congress on the Basic Science of Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy, Minneapolis, MN.
Until next time, Raise The Barr
David 'Arm' Barr, MSc., CSCS, PPSC
Three hypertrophy tips coming to you LIVE
from the World Congress on hypertrophy
you're not gonna wanna miss this this is
where the world's experts have come
together to give you the biggest bass
tips talking science and application I'm
gonna dump the pump hit the showers get
some better light behind me but we're
starting right now
what is going on my name is David Barr
you're looking to get bigger faster
stronger get leaner go longer hit that
subscribe and end a little bell so you
don't miss the latest tips and tricks
today coming you from Minneapolis
Minnesota World Congress on high perch
big up the world's experts there's some
stuff I've never heard anyone talk about
before let's get going your subscribers
stay tuned to the end we got the diet
and supplement it's for you this is key
for anyone who wants high perch B but
also anyone who wants fat loss so we'll
give you the update stay tuned for that
tip number one you may know that there's
two types of hypertrophy theoretically
sarcoplasmic myofibrillar it doesn't
really matter the details right now but
there may be a subtype of a ladder of
the Maya February all protein based high
perch peak what this means is that
there's eccentric and concentric based
type urge feet this means in terms of
practical application if you are trained
with concentric only and you probably
are even if you don't realize it I've
talked about this in other videos
you're training concentric only you are
missing out a huge growth potential
because you're missing on that eccentric
overload hypertrophy so how do you apply
this it doesn't mean doing eccentric
reps when you're already fatigued the
way most people do it get rid of that
doesn't matter we're talking eccentric
overload this is the way you're going to
get that eccentric hypertrophy I talked
about this other videos be sure to check
those out there's a series on it so we
will get into that as we learn more but
for now don't forget hit that concentric
hypertrophy get the 'center hypertrophy
we're starting to see if there's two
different types you got to take
advantage of both to get your maximum
hypertrophy here's a bonus tip for you
what about BCAAs
that's a big one well overall
unfortunately these days seem to not
work the research echoes that now if you
love BCA's not saying don't use them
because i have a video on three quick
tips for how to fix BCA's go into my own
lab research on muscle protein synthesis
this is going to be big information for
anyone who wants to maximize BCA's
because right now just dumping him into
a protein shake doesn't seem to do
anything so we have to fix that so we
fixed the BCA's I'll link to that in the
top right I'll link to it in the
description definitely check that one
tip number two
this is a huge mistake
that most people make still not periodizing
their programming still doing just
the same sets same rep scheme same
loading scheme all
Time World Congress I have perks we
really emphasized the need to period
eyes so you have periods of
hypertrophied than you have periods of
strength training so lower reps heavier
this type of heavier loading scheme is
going to cause maybe a little bit more
of that myofibrillar hypertrophy not
quite that eccentric hypertrophy it's
still concentrate based but you need to
mix up your program search stronger for
your next hypertrophy phase this is key
this is how you're going to have that
stepwise increase in adaptation growth
you're going to be able to recover
better after these phases it's going to
change the way that you train and the
way that you look and don't forget we're
not just talking hyper tree for the sake
of muscle growth this is also going to
lead to fat loss as well
remember lifting training is lean
training okay we're not just talking
muscle growth we're also talking fat
loss so overall body composition so the
key here is balance your strength phases
and your hypertrophy phases the strength
phases are actually going to facilitate
your growth during the high perch V
phases you're going to get bigger and
stronger together so don't skip out on
just because it's not direct hypertrophy
training ultimately in the long run it's
going to give you bigger gains that's
what you're after now real quick before
we jump into diet and supplements that
it's really hard to say I want to hear
from you what are the supplements that
you're using to facilitate your own
hypertrophy or using BCAAs, creatine,
protein powders, etc. let me know in the
comments below.
Okay tip number three:
this is the big one diet supplements the
big one everyone wants to know I can do
a whole other video on this there was so
much info but I'll give you the overview
right now you can use this the key here
is the diet is important but not if
you're going over . grams per kilo
protein per day it's not a ton of
protein it's more than most people are
getting but if you're our meathead like
me you're probably getting enough always
a good idea to consume the casein at
night you know have that slow protein
before you go to bed I have a whole
video on that if you need more check
that out I think that's going to be a
big one for you but for most people once
you hit that one point six grams per
kilo protein is not going to do much if
you have a high carb diet most people
have a high carb diet great for
facilitating training going to give me
that mental energy to just get through
the day but if you drop the
that's where you're going to need more
protein this is something I talked about
in another video especially facilitate
fat loss fat loss not coming directly
from a low carb diet that doesn't matter
if you love it
awesome do it just do it not a big deal
it's not bad but know that if you are
dropping your cows dropping your carbs
you're going to need more protein your
body's going to pull them through it
something called gluconeogenesis don't
need to worry about the biochemical
details right now we can get into that
in other videos if you want let me know
but for this one . grams per kilos the
dose you want to maximize hypertrophy
obviously you have your timing make sure
you're not protein fasted so again have
that Casey at night that's a big one but
otherwise . grams for high carb if
you're going low carb low calorie trying
to just draw a body fat you're going to
you need to increase the protein a
little bit more of course if you are
trying to draw a body fat you're
probably not just looking to maximally
increase high perch me yes they are
facilitated I think we really need to
get away from the idea that cardio
training is going to be your lean
training no lifting is lean training
this is something we really need to get
out there it's going to change the way
people look at fat loss training I
talked about fat loss in another video
be sure to check that one out but for
now lean training lifting training get
the word out we need to get rid of this
cardio stuff you should be doing cardio
anyway great for your health of course
but it's not the best way to burn fat
burn fat is going to come through your
muscle going to come through that extra
energy that you're burning throughout
the day it's not about what you burn in
that hour of cardio okay that's
ridiculous we need to destroy that myth
I talked about this in another video be
sure to check that out
optimizing your body composition this is
something you're going to want to know
it's three tips for optimizing fat loss
muscle growth that kind of thing and
it's a scientific based but applied
approach okay that's the key I always
want this to be applied for you
something you can pick up use right away
yourself your clients your athletes
whatever it is applicability is the key
so in terms of application what do you
do well you need to mix up your training
you need to get that these centric ovolo
overload and the concentric overload
right now again you are training concentrically
even if you don't realize it
yes you might be trying to Train
eccentric when you're fatigued that's
not what we're talking about
about heavy eccentric overload there's a
way to work up to that again check out
those videos I'll link to it in the
description and in the top right but the
key is to hit both heavy eccentric and
concentric aside from the bigger picture
sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar
hypertrophy talk about that in other
videos I'll be sure link to those in the
description and the top right plenty of
information out there so what does that
mean again mix up period eyes your
program that's second tip right so we
have strength phases and hypertrophy
phases why you want to do a strength
phase with lower reps longer rest
periods it's going to facilitate your
hypertrophy gains okay that is key don't
forget that a lot of people skip it I
wish I had known about this when I was
younger but it's one of those things if
you could start this right away you're
going to have not only greater strength
but greater overall hypertrophy
so mix it up, periodize strength and
hypertrophy and you're going to
ultimately have greater gains part
number three was died supplement at
night with your casein or slow protein
whatever you want to do it's not
direct recommendation
I am simply reviewing what was discussed
again there's a video about that late
too that in the top right and the
description about the casein overall
protein intake doesn't seem to benefit
for people who are consuming you caloric
or higher caloric diets strictly going
for hypertrophy . grams per kilo a day
seems to be where we top out doesn't
really matter in terms of timing other
than you don't want to be protein fasted
for the most part you want to be carved
up for your workouts so if you are
dropping your carbs dropping your Cal's
that's totally cool dropping carbs isn't
going to specifically facilitate
hypertrophy or fat loss not a big deal
if you love it just keep doing it that's
great that you love it but if you are
going for maximal hypertrophy . grams
plus a higher calorie diet is the way to
do it if you are dropping your Cals you
need to increase your protein intake
your body's going to be burning through
your actual body protein it's going to
be burning through the protein that you
ingest so you need to go above that .
grams per kilo I'm getting so excited
I'm losing my voice over this I've been
yelling for a while but these are the
key tips okay so you got your diet you
got your training got your different
intra workout tips
got your extra workout tips your
programming your long-term programming
all of this is going to ultimately
facilitate high perch me but I mean
there's so much info here I could just
keep going if my voice could hold out we
are going to cover this in future videos
so stay tuned be sure to check out the
videos in the links description so
here's your next steps for maximizing
your hypertrophy and fat loss so firstly
you're going to want to make sure you're
doing the eccentric and concentric ring
together right now you're doing
concentric only whether or not you
realize it talked about that in other
videos and this is key I will link to
another video this is a key handoff be
sure to check out this video about
maximizing your eccentric potential
there's a lecture I did on this there's
an eccentric training series you're
going to want to activate this type of
hypertrophy cuz right now you're missing
out huge potential it's not negative you
have a huge adaptive potential that you
are just waiting to hack this is why
you're going to want to check out that
next video I'll link to it in the top
right and in the description no question
that is the next step for you thanks for
watching I'm David Barr until next time
Raise the Barr